
When To Seek Medical Attention for an Ankle Sprain

Nothing can slow you down more than a painful injury to your foot or ankle. Thanks to the Delaware Foot and Ankle Group, you have an expert team to help you with your ankle sprain or injury in Newark, Wilmington, and Middletown, DE. Dr. Ernest Troisi, Dr. Jason Kline, and Dr. Anthony Caristo are trained podiatrists who can help your injured ankle heal properly.

What Is a Sprained Ankle?

Sometimes the ligaments that connect the bones of your leg to your foot may become damaged. This may happen due to intense movement, an accident, or improper stretching. Falls or jumping are some of the most common culprits. You know you have a sprain when the area begins to swell, bruise, and feel painful. The skin around the ankle may also become bruised. In some cases, the ankle may become stiff as it can't move with the full range of motion as normal.

When Do I Seek Medical Care?

Notice if your ankle becomes tender and begins to swell. Swelling may initially go down after you apply ice and get some rest. However, if neither of these reduces the swelling, you should see your local doctor. You know it's time to see one of the local podiatrists at the Delaware Foot and Ankle group when you can no longer bear your weight on the ankle. After all, if you can't bear weight, you won't be able to walk and have full or regular movement. Popping sounds and lingering pain in the leg also means you should consider medical intervention for your ankle sprain in Newark, DE.

Can You Prevent Sprained Ankle?

If you previously hurt your ankle, give it proper support by taping it or using a support brace so you won't sprain it again. Properly fitting shoes meant for your particular activity or lifestyle can reduce injury to your foot and ankle area. These sprains can also easily occur by wearing high heels beyond your comfort or support level. Be mindful of rough and uneven terrain, as it's easy to trip and dislocate your ankle joint. Most importantly, if you're active, always warm up your entire body, including your feet and ankle area, with gentle movement and stretching.

When you have a foot or ankle injury, Dr. Troisi, Dr. Kline, and Dr. Caristo are ready to help you at the Delaware Foot and Ankle Group. If you need help with your ankle sprain in Newark, Wilmington, and Middletown, DE, these expert foot doctors will enjoy having the opportunity to assist you. Call us at (302) 834-3575 to make an appointment today.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Delaware Foot and Ankle Group


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm



